Mar 20
Henry Jimenez Kerbox is a Rainbow Angel on the Mammoth Ski Slopes
Andrea Marks Joseph READ TIME: 1 MIN.
There's nothing like ascending a beautiful mountain and looking down at the slopes you're about to ski. You can't help feeling like a divine part of nature, and it's easy to feel like you're on top of the world.
In this show-stopping post, out photographer Henry Jimenez Kerbox may as well be floating above the Mammoth ski slopes in his huge, majestic rainbow angel wings. "Another amazing year snowboarding and partying at Elevation Gay Ski" for him; another breathtaking photo of an angel among humans for us. These incredible rainbow wings paired with a rainbow flag and the brilliant white peek-a-boo pants revealing his maroon underwear – it all comes together to create absolute gay perfection!
The Los Angeles-based photographer is no stranger to creating a real Moment with dramatic wings. We've shared the magical work he's known for: Finding a gorgeous model, turning them into an angel (complete with huge, handcrafted, one-of-a-kind wings), and photographing them as they walk around in public, charming locals who walk past the heavenly sight, mesmerized by an angel appearing at their usual lunch break spot.
Jimenez Kerbox models, too, and it's always a glorious result. Here are some of our favorites: