Source: Marina Del Rey/Instagram

'Moms for Liberty' Leader Launches into Rant Against Drag Performers, Escorted from Hotel by Police

Kilian Melloy READ TIME: 3 MIN.

A leader of the anti-LGBTQ+ group Moms for Liberty evidently got confused about the theatrical art of drag, flying into a furious anti-trans rant at a group of performers trying to work on a video.

"Beth Bourne, a program director at UC Davis' Institute of Transportation Studies, was filmed raging at drag queens after she spotted them at the Alohilani Resort in Waikīkī, where they were to perform for a pride event," UK newspaper the Daily Mail detailed.

"Bourne, who is a leader for the conservative group Moms for Liberty, became enraged after she spotted the drag queens in the lobby, and accused the hotel of failing to provide a safe environment for her son," the writeup added.

Her jeremiad seemingly revealed a complete lack of understanding of drag as a form of performance, as well as ignorance around the issue of transgender individuals and what constitutes appropriate health care for them.

At one point, the Mail said, Bourne shrieked at the drag performers, "What do you think about my son who might think that he can put on make-up and fancy clothing and high heels and have his penis cut off and take estrogen so he can grow fake boobs?"

The Mail reported that Bourne was taking video as she harassed the performers. Bourne, who is the mother of a non-binary child, may have been out to provoke an angry response, one of the drag performers said.

"'This woman saw us filming and came to a slow burn and then she popped off," drag performer Marina Del Rey posted on social media, the Mail relayed. "Her rant went on and on – possibly with the attempt to get a riled angered response."

"She didn't get one."

Added Del Rey: "In this video - you see my perspective. In her video - u will see three drag queens surrounded by staff and guests - just sitting down."

"Im not here to figure her out, incite hate against her, or call her names," Del Rey added. "I'm here to remind you, many meet worse daily, the ugliness of this happens without regard to where, why, how etc....Even in the lobby of your hotel."

According to Del Rey, the performers were at the hotel in a professional capacity, trying to get work done on a video in which they were to portray hotel staff members.

The Mail cited a Sacramento Bee article, saying that Bourne and her non-binary child have been estranged for five years. The account said that Bourne "became an anti-trans activist" following that rift.

Moreover, "Bourne is a controversial figure and claims without evidence on her social media accounts that '1/22 kids is trans' at UC Davis," the Mail noted.

Her outburst prompted social media users to call for her dismissal from UC Davis, the article said.

"She is harassing students and staff," a Facebook user called Elaine Vinton claimed, according to the Mail. Vinton's post seemed to indicate that Bourne was accusing UC Davis of "cutting of the penises of male children, among other practices."

"She is an unhinged bigot threatening the LGBTQ+ Community," the post declared. "Please make a call!"

GOP lawmakers in a number of states have advanced legislation to criminalize drag performances, lumping them in with strip clubs and other explicit adult content. Meanwhile, the narrative that drag somehow "sexualizes" children has spread among the anti-LGBTQ+ right, despite conservatives seemingly having little concern about children seeing scantily clad cheerleaders at athletic events and on television, or swimwear models on billboards.

In her own post, Marina Del Rey wrote that she "would like to say a huge THANK U to the resort for your care and concerns during and after, to all of us.... those within witness - guest or staff - many extended compassion of which I'm very very grateful..."

"We are all okay," Del Rey added. "A little shook & saddened but grateful to the people we were in the company of and everyone who reached out. and still keeping faith in humanity."

by Kilian Melloy , EDGE Staff Reporter

Kilian Melloy serves as EDGE Media Network's Associate Arts Editor and Staff Contributor. His professional memberships include the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, the Boston Online Film Critics Association, The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association, and the Boston Theater Critics Association's Elliot Norton Awards Committee.

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