Warwick Rowers Rebrand As Barefoot Man, Return with 2023 Calendar


The Warwick Rowers are now Barefoot Man. Established in 2009, the mental health project was started by queer activist Angus Malcolm. Its goal was to a create a series of naked calendars featuring straight sportsmen as a direct challenge to homophobia in sporting culture. Initially, profits from sales went toward funding the rowing club at Warwick University.

They explain the change in this video:

In 2019, Warwick Rowers internationally rebranded as Worldwide Roar. Now they are rebranding again, reads their website, to the name Barefoot Man. "Barefoot Man enables everyone who identifies as male to confront the rules they were taught as children, to take a more critical look at the culture in which they live and explore how they can make a difference in their everyday lives as men," reads their mission. "Our innovative tools will support men to create a healthier relationship with masculinity – and help the rest of us to look at men as potential allies."

Male nudity brought the organization attention from around the world. But now they are once again evolving, according to their new mission.

"Our message gradually evolved as we explored the role of men in wider issues of misogyny and inequality. We began to recognize that this was not just a problem for people who had been excluded from power," they shared. "We saw the impact of outdated thinking on male mental health."

According to them, Barefoot Man is a name that "reflects another step change in our goals."

"The concept of the carbon footprint has been a popular way to understand our personal responsibility towards the planet for over twenty years," they explained. "Barefoot Man promotes the concept of the social footprint as an equally personal obligation that can help all of us, and particularly in our case men, to look at our impact on society and to consider the legacy that we want to create.

Now the 2024 calendar is available and can be purchased with significant savings thanks to Black Friday sales.

Check out pics from the Barefoot Man Instagram page, which includes pics from their magazine ROAR.

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