Lesbian Comedy 'S&M Sally' Season Opener at CineKink NYC Festival


CineKink has announced that "S&M Sally" will be the CineKink Season Opener selection for its thirteenth annual film festival, CineKink NYC, running March 1-6 in New York City.

The comedy, which has had a hugely popular run on the film festival circuit, follows a lesbian couple as they explore the underground world of BDSM. Identifying as the butch one in a traditional butch/femme couple, Jamie, aka the pseudonymous "Sally," assumes she will take the dominant role in their escapades, with Jill as her submissive, but Jill has ideas of her own. Meanwhile, friends David and Lola compete to see who's cool enough to go through with a polyamorous, bisexual threesome.

"I'm thrilled for 'S&M Sally's' NYC premiere to be at CineKink," said director Michelle Ehlen, who also stars in the film. "In setting out to do a character-driven comedy about BDSM, I wanted to make the film both authentic and realistic to those a part of the kink community, as well as accessible and relatable to those outside of it." �

"S&M Sally" will screen on Wednesday, March 2, at 7 p.m. at Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Avenue, NYC, where the majority of the festival's screenings are also unfolding. The program will also include "Technical Difficulties of Intimacy," from director Joel Moffett, starring Buck Angel and Marianna Marroquin as a trans-man and a trans-woman trying to salvage their romantic relationship via new sexual horizons.

CineKink NYC kicks off the previous evening, Tuesday, March 1, with a gala fundraising kick-off party at Taj Lounge, 48 W. 21st St., NYC, and runs through Sunday, March 6, concluding with an awards ceremony and an AfterGlow closing party.

Known as the "kinky film festival," CineKink NYC will again feature films and videos that celebrate and explore a wide diversity of sexuality. With offerings drawn from both the independent cinema world and the adult, works presented at the festival will range from documentary to drama, comedy to experimental, slightly spicy to quite explicit and everything in between.

For information and tickets, visit http://www.cinekink.com


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