Cruz Claims Liberal Fascists Are 'Going After Christian Believers'


In the wake of controversy surrounding an event held for him hosted by two prominent gay businessmen in New York last week, 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) continued to insert himself in the conversation over marriage equality, claiming that a "radicalized" Democratic party was persecuting Christians,CNN reports

"Today's Democratic Party has become so radicalized for legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states that there is no longer any room for religious liberty," Cruz said at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition summit in Waukee, Iowa Saturday.

Claiming that "there is a liberal fascism that is going after Christian believers," Cruz said his colleagues across the aisle have "decided there is no room for Christians in today's Democratic Party."

Cruz's comments in Iowa follow a New York Times report of statements made by the Senator at the home of two prominent gay businessmen last week that hinted that he may be softening his tone on the issue of gay rights.

"If one of my daughters was gay, I would love them just as much," Cruz reportedly said to Ian Reisner last Monday at an event held for Cruz at his Manhattan penthouse apartment.

Reisner has since claimed naivety of Cruz's extensive record of anti-gay comments and his long history of introducing anti-gay legislation.


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