Mother Freaks Out After London Restaurant Displays Gay Porn

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Parents who were having a bite to eat at a London buffet late last month got something more than they bargain for: gay porn.

Police were called to chain restaurant Jimmy's flagship branch in London on Jan. 26 by Jade Miller, a mother of three. She complained that, while she was eating with her family during a friend's birthday, her sons noticed "something funny," the London Evening Standard reports.

Millers' boys, Alfie, 9, and Archie, 6, alerted her and she soon discovered gay porn playing in a large pop-up window in the middle of the eatery's computer's booking screen.

"My children went to the loo and the next thing I knew they said 'mummy there's something really funny on the computer,'" she told the newspaper. "I went to look and saw full blown sex."

While the X-rated clip was playing, Miller reported the incident to Jimmy's manager before calling police around 10:30 p.m.

"I didn't know what to say to my children. Thankfully they were too young to know what it was," she told the Standard. "I was angry that my children saw it, I'm so glad they didn't quite get what was going on. I want an apology from the restaurant. If we hadn't had to pay upfront for the meal I wouldn't have paid."

Miller also spoke with the British newspaper the Independent and called the footage she allegedly saw "very graphic."

"[My children] think it was a four-legged man shaking his willy about. How I would have explained it God only knows," she said.

Jimmy's has a number of locations across London and England. According to the restaurant's website: "We love making you happy and we're often recognized for our customer service so book now eat your way around the world."

"We were called to reports of inappropriate material being displayed on a screen in a public area of the restaurant," a spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police Service told the Standard. "Officers believe the material was shown as a result of a pop-up received by the restaurant's email booking system. Officers spoke with the restaurant's manager and provided advice around computer security and spam management."

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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