FRC's Perkins Pens E-Tantrum Over Wisconsin Marriages


Given the seemingly unstoppable tide of pro-equality decisions playing out in marriage ban challenges in sixteen states, hate group leader Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council (FRC) appears to have no shortage of fodder for his daily email rants.

Monday, he took aim at U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb, who recently ruled that Wisconsin's ban on sam-sex marriage was unconstitutional.

In response to Judge Crabb's ruling striking down Wisconsin's marriage ban Friday, Perkins said:

But what about the liberty and equality of the majority who disagree? Under decisions like this one, they're forced to suppress or violate the basic teachings of their faith -- or face the government's punishment and harassment. Of course, Judge Crabb will have an even tougher time explaining away the 1,264,310 votes she canceled out to drag the state into the courts' lawless parade. Since last summer's Supreme Court ruling, 15 states have watched helplessly as a single judge invalidates -- not just millions of votes, but the entire democratic process.

Perkins then turned the ire of his e-fit on county clerks in who are issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, while lamenting republican state Attorney General J.B. Holland's failed attempt for an emergency stay on the ruling.

In Wisconsin, officials also joined an elite club of wedding chaos, as clerks in Madison and Milwaukee opened their doors to a flood of same-sex ceremonies over the weekend and issued licenses that a higher court could (and should) void. Although Attorney General J.B. Holland raced to apply for an emergency stay and stop the processional, the damage will have already been done. "We've seen the disruption to couples and families throughout the U.S. when courts have first allowed same-sex marriage," he said, "only to have those marriages subsequently called into question by another court."

Wisconsin's ban on same-sex marriage was struck down Friday when U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb sided with an ACLU lawsuit challenging the prohibition.

In her ruling, Crabb stated, "This is not about whether marriages between same-sex couples are consistent or inconsistent with the teachings of a particular religion, whether such marriages are moral or immoral, or whether they are something that should be encouraged or discouraged. It is not even about whether the plaintiffs in this case are as capable as opposite-sex couples of maintaining a committed and loving relationship or raising a family together. Quite simply, this case is about liberty and equality, the two cornerstones of the rights protected by the United States Constitution."

Future e-tantrums from Perkins are all but guaranteed to come as statewide marriage bans are currently facing court challenges in Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Texas, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida and Virginia.


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