Lance Bass Prepped Jason Collins on Coming Out

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Lance Bass, pop singer and a member of the iconic 90s boy band N*Sync, apparently gave NBA veteran Jason Collins advice before he revealed that he is gay in a groundbreaking announcement in a Sports Illustrated article on Monday.

The singer revealed on his SiriusXM radio show on Monday that he spoke with Collins earlier that day. The athlete apparently called Bass after their mutual friend, actress Joanna Garcia, urged him to seek out Bass' advice on how to handle coming out.

"He's been trying to plan this for a very long time, contemplating if he wanted to do this," Bass said during show called, "Dirty Pop With Lance Bass." "In fact, he said he was going to call me months ago but was too scared, because he wanted to tell me."

He added that he was blunt about his own experience coming out and said, "I told him, 'Look, this is what I wish would have happened when I came out...because when I came out I had 24 hours to decide what was going to happen, because basically [People] magazine said, 'We're doing it with or without you.'"

On Monday, Collins made headlines for coming out as the first openly gay active male professional athlete in a major American sport.

You can listen to Bass talk about Collins on Soundcloud by clicking here.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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